# Latest Exchange Rates

Returns the latest exchange rates. The default base currency is USD.

Data update intervals

Depending on your subscription plan you will receive new data in different time intervals. While our dataset in the free plan is updated daily our bigger plans offer up to minute update intervals!

Request Method: GET
Request URL: https://api.fxapi.com/v1/latest

# Request Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
apikey string Your API Key
base_currency string The base currency to which all results are behaving relative to
By default all values are based on USD
currencies string A list of comma-separated currency codes which you want to get (EUR,USD,CAD)
By default all available currencies will be shown

# Sample Response

The API response comes as a JSON and consists of a meta and a data key. The meta holds useful information like the last_updated_at datetime to let you know then this dataset was last updated.

The data key holds the actual currency information.

    "meta": {
        "last_updated_at": "2022-01-01T23:59:59Z"
    "data": {
        "AED": {
            "code": "AED",
            "value": 3.67306
        "AFN": {
            "code": "AFN",
            "value": 91.80254
        "ALL": {
            "code": "ALL",
            "value": 108.22904
        "AMD": {
            "code": "AMD",
            "value": 480.41659
        "...": "150+ more currencies"